If you can identify the small things that make big impacts, you may be able to quickly make some big wins while decreasing stress, increasing a feeling of control, and helping to build a culture of wellbeing.
Amy Locke

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Polishing Silver

Terry Tempest Williams is a writer, naturalist, activist, educator—and patient. In this seventh “Dispatch from the Desert,” Terry connects with family tradition.

Holy Contagion

Terry Tempest Williams is a writer, naturalist, activist, educator—and patient. In this fourth “Dispatch from the Desert,” Terry shares the work of theologians Stephanie Paulsell and Howard Thurman and describes another kind of contagion: human dignity.

Planetary Health

Terry Tempest Williams is a writer, naturalist, activist, educator—and patient. In this fifth “Dispatch from the Desert,” Terry reflects on the interconnectedness of planetary health, the nature around us, and the disease we’re facing.

A Mirror of Water

Terry Tempest Williams is a writer, naturalist, activist, educator—and patient. In this third “Dispatch from the Desert,” Terry examines what natural disasters leave in their wake, both in the earth and in our memory.

A Bow to the Unseen

Terry Tempest Williams is a writer, naturalist, activist, educator—and patient. In this second “Dispatch from the Desert,” Terry explores embracing the Unseen to acknowledge our interconnectedness and reimagine our changing world.

A Hiding Heart

There’s a compassion wall—a barrier created by the extra precautions COVID-19 requires. Harvard Graduate School of Education student Niharika Sanyal reflects on the pain of the provider, the patient, and the loved ones across the world struck by the pandemic.

The Plant That Outgrew Its Pot

Harvard Graduate School of Education student Niharika Sanyal shares a simple story with a powerful message of hope and universal connection.

Finding Beauty in a Broken World

Terry Tempest Williams is a writer, naturalist, activist, educator—and patient. As our workforce prepares to care for more patients, she asked her physician, Dr. Tom Miller, to put her to work. In this first “Dispatch from the Desert,” Terry offers solace by way of a brief transport to Castle Valley, Utah.

3 Ways To Build Mindful Habits

Health care is complicated, emotionally challenging work. Thriving in complexity requires two things: continuous system improvement and building individual resilience. This article focuses on three ways we can build habits that support individual resilience from three experts who do it every day.

Practice: Body Scan

Mindfulness instructors Rob Davies and Heidi O’Donoghue guide us through the body scan, a simple meditation that helps relax the body — and as a bonus, can also help you sleep.

Practice: Awareness of Breath

Mindfulness instructors Heidi O’Donoghue and Trinh Mai guide us through a simple breathing exercise. Practiced regularly, this meditation cultivates awareness, concentration, and calmness.

Workplace Aggression

Workplace aggression occurs so frequently in health care that it’s often accepted as “part of the job.” Patient Safety nurse coordinator Connie Phelps describes some of the work being done at University of Utah Health to help shift that paradigm.