Everyday in my clinical practice, I witness great suffering. Empathy, standing in another's shoes, was crushing me emotionally. Compassion, on the other hand, gave me a path forward. I was no longer just bearing witness to suffering but carefully evaluating what I could do about it.
Michelle Hofmann

Most Recent
Healthcare Stories 2024: Promise

Mark your calendars for February 1, 2024! The Resiliency Center and the Center for Health Ethics, Arts, and Humanities are gearing up for the sixth Healthcare Stories event at Kingsbury Hall. This year's captivating theme, "Promise," invites healthcare professionals, patients, and community members to explore futures imagined, unexpected journeys, and transformative relationships.

Tips for New Faculty: What I Wish I Knew When I Joined the U

Being new is hard. Often for new faculty, it means adjusting to a new state, new team, new patients, and a new organizational culture. We asked hospitalists Ryan Murphy and Valerie Vaughn and surgeon Ellen Morrow for tips that only come from a little time under the belt.

Healthcare Stories 2023: Wonder

Take a Break! The Case for Prioritizing Rest Breaks

Nurses are notorious for not taking breaks—the culture of their work environment doesn’t make it easy. Katrina Emery, a MICU charge nurse working on her doctor of nursing practice (DNP), sheds light on how to change culture to prioritize breaks to improve health and wellbeing.

Portrait of a Caregiver

The majority of long-term care needs are placed upon family members who often receive minimal support. Seeking to reduce the caregiver burden, College of Nursing Assistant Professor Jacqueline Eaton, shares an arts-based approach for engaging caregivers of people living with dementia through her research and ethnodramas.

Instilling Hope and Compassion with Patients

How can we put compassion for ourselves and others at the center of what we do? Second year medical student Tanner Nelson interviews pediatric ophthalmologist Griffin Jardine to share how he helps to install hope and compassion with his patients, and himself.

No Really, How Are You?

Emergency Medicine physician Megan Fix shares her personal story of how the simple act of a colleague asking, “No really, how are you?” changed her life.

How to Find (or Reignite) Your Inspiration

After a year like none other, feeling inspired and motivated takes hard work. Interim Chief Operating Officer Alison Flynn Gaffney walks us through how to find and reignite inspiration and motivation.

Thank You

It’s been quite a year—but we made it! The Accelerate Team is celebrating the small wins with some big engagement from across the globe. Thank you to all 158 contributors who shared valuable insights with the U of U Health community in 2021.

How Patrice is Moving Forward

Patrice Hicks shares her personal story of struggles and loss during the pandemic, and her glimmer of hope for the future.

How Lauren is Moving Forward

University of Utah School of Dentistry student Lauren Kvam shares a personal story of her struggles from last year, and her hope for brighter days.

Four Ways Leaders Can Encourage Teams to Recover

Chief Wellness Officer Amy Locke shares practical strategies for leaders to address the real tension we’re feeling between the desire to take a break and the increasing workload.