elephant in the room header
Marcie Hopkins, U of U Health
Thank You
It’s been quite a year—but we made it! The Accelerate Team is celebrating the small wins with some big engagement from across the globe. Thank you to all 158 contributors who shared valuable insights with the U of U Health community in 2021.

Improvement – Making Room for the Elephant

In 2021, Covid was the elephant in the room that slowly started to make itself comfortable—sitting at our dinner table, wearing out its welcome. We settled in to our new reality, shifting from responding to the “Covid pandemic” to organizing for an ongoing “Covid problem.” To do so, we flexed our well established improvement muscles: Over the past twelve months, 81,236 individuals viewed 39 improvement articles, investing 16,003,492 minutes learning to solve big problems, dig into evidence-based practice, improve the psychological safety of our teams, and overcome the challenges of virtual care.

In case you missed it, see all 39 improvement articles here.

Resilience – The Great Illumination

“The Great Resignation” became buzzword of the year, illuminating significant gaps in workplace culture. Many of us stepped back, took stock, and didn’t like what we saw. Others took on the challenge to innovate, meaningfully integrate work and life, and embraced flexibility as a best practice. Over the past twelve months, 29,656 individuals viewed 44 resilience articles, investing 5,308,424 minutes learning to set boundaries, acknowledge our limits, check in with each other, and reignite our inspiration.     

In case you missed it, see all 44 resilience articles here.

Equity – The Conversation Gains Momentum

We bring our humanity to work with us. Equity, diversity, and inclusion efforts gained momentum in 2021 as an acknowledgement that we don’t stop living in society once we sit down at a desk, walk into a clinic, or set foot on the wards. Over the past twelve months, 5,578 individuals viewed 12 equity articles, investing 211,964 minutes closing the achievement gap, confronting microaggressions, building community, and getting strategic in our diversity and inclusion efforts.    

In case you missed it, see all 12 equity articles here.

Leadership –  Moving Forward, One Day at a Time

We entered the year with a structured plan to Move Forward—we recognized our shared experiences, spent time recovering, and started planning to rebuild. Just like all best laid plans, the variant took us two steps forward three steps back, but we continued to slowly make progress. Over the past twelve months, 8,455 individuals viewed 26 leadership articles, investing 980,780 minutes learning to lead remote teams, practicing trauma-informed leadership, and acknowledging that vulnerability is not weakness.

In case you missed it, see all 26 leadership articles here.


Accelerate Editorial Team

Health care professionals who lead development and production of this learning community (see About), University of Utah Health

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