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Medicine Meets the Hyperactive Hive Mind

Having trouble focusing or completing a task? It’s the “hyperactive hive mind” at work. In this first article of a two-part series, Chief Medical Officer Tom Miller, HCI’s Chief Clinical Officer Sachin Apte, Chief Wellness Officer Amy Locke, and Chief Medical Education Officer Mark Harris share highlights from the book A World Without Email and its application in health care.


Mindfulness is awareness of the present moment—open to where we are and what we’re doing with a sense of acceptance. Associate professor/lecturer of social work and mindfulness instructor Trinh Mai explains why mindfulness is important and how she and colleagues incorporate it into their daily life.

Stop, Communicate, and Listen

Incremental improvements, like introducing team members to a patient, can have a big impact on a patient’s experience. Neurologist Pete Hannon shares how his team has improved communication to earn trust and confidence.

Stop Waiting and Start Working: Four Tips from the Help Desk

We all do it. We draw a blank on our password, get locked out of login, “…duo what?” and so on. And then we wait for a University of Utah Health service desk saint who makes our machine work again. To help lighten their load a bit—and make our lives easier—we asked ITS Manager Mike Madsen for his “Top 4” preventive measures to avoid a call.

How to Be a More Generous Leader

Generosity is a quality that leaders need now more than ever. Dayle Benson, executive director of the Medical Group and chief of staff for clinical affairs, reflects on the generous leaders in her life to help readers develop a spirit of generosity in their own leadership styles.

“I’m Really Worried About You” — How to Have a Conversation with a Colleague About Suicide

Coworkers are often the first to recognize when a peer is struggling under extreme stress. Psychiatrist Kristin Francis and psychologist Rob Davies share how to break through the discomfort and talk to your struggling colleague.

Peer Support Toolkit

The Resiliency Center uses a peer support model to provide increased institutional support for UUH employees during, or after, adverse clinical events and other stressful situations. Jake Van Epps and Megan Call share resources for joining the Peer Support Program and helping others process and cope with trauma.

Why It Shouldn't Be So Hard To Talk About Suicide

The number one goal of the Zero Suicide initiative is to create a culture where we feel comfortable talking openly about suicide. Program manager Rachael Jasperson turns to U of U business school’s Eric VanEpps to learn the evidence-based case for overcoming our discomfort when discussing sensitive subjects.

A People-First Approach to Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

Chief Human Resources Officer Sarah Sherer shares how Hospitals and Clinics Human Resources is working to integrate a culture of equity, diversity and inclusion at the individual, team and system-level.

Active Learning: Techniques to Improve Learner Engagement

Keeping learners engaged during a talk or presentation is a challenge almost all educators have encountered. With the transition to more virtual learning over the past year, capturing learners’ attention can sometimes feel like an uphill battle. What are some tools and techniques to improve learner engagement?

You’re Not Alone in Your Imposter Syndrome

Mindfulness educator and social worker Trinh Mai and research manager Eduardo Zamora normalize imposter syndrome and share institutional, interpersonal and self-compassion strategies.

How to Improve Your Patient Communication Skills

Communication is a skill; it takes practice. Clinicians Caryn Peters and Patricia Liu share their method for making meaningful connections with patients and teams.