Trainees who feel empowered to be vulnerable, seek out connection, and embrace growth help restore humanity to a health care system that sometimes feels isolating and mechanized.
Katie Gradick

Most Recent

Terry Tempest Williams is a Utah native, writer, naturalist, activist, educator—and patient. As everyone obsesses with washing their hands, Terry remembers her grandmother who lived through the 1918 flu pandemic in Eureka, Utah.

A Tale of Redfish and Oil

Terry Tempest Williams is a Utah native, writer, naturalist, activist, educator—and patient. On the tenth anniversary of the beginning of the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, Terry reflects on ecological change, the coronavirus, and the power of friendship.

Mountain Water

There are few experiences like a liter of fresh mountain water straight out of the waterfall—it is cold, it is clear, it has the terroir of the local landscape. As the spring runoff swells, Harvard Divinity School student Dan “Shutterbug” Wells reminds us of the bounty that surrounds us.

How Humor, Hope, and Gratitude Can Make You More Resilient

In a new monthly webinar series, Duke University psychiatrist and patient safety researcher Bryan Sexton shares practical tips for cultivating resiliency both personally and with your teams.

Gentle Practices for Renewal

For people who give a lot, it’s hard to receive. Harvard Graduate School of Education student Niharika Sanyal shares practices of acceptance and gratitude to support renewal within the health care community.

A Stone Is A Rock With A Story

Terry Tempest Williams is a Utah native, writer, naturalist, activist, educator—and patient. In this thirteenth dispatch, Terry explores the “duende,” or the subconscious present in art and poems.

A Congress of Ravens

Terry Tempest Williams is a Utah native, writer, naturalist, activist, educator—and patient. Social distancing in the desert brings Terry into close contact with the desert’s vistas and wildlife.

When Duty Calls: Strategies for Managing Redeployment

Redeployment may be a new health care reality, but in the U.S. military, rapid redeployment and tours of duty have always been part of the job. We turned to local veteran and nursing director Trell Inzunza, and the Resiliency Center's Megan Call, to learn practical strategies for supporting our teams as we transition.

Let Us Be Thankful

Though we feel urgency and angst in this moment, there is beauty and calm all around us—we just have to take the time to see it. Harvard Divinity School student Dan "Shutterbug" Wells shares the beauty he encounters and gives thanks, with an introduction from GME Wellness Director Rob Davies.

Double Vision

Terry Tempest Williams is a Utah native, writer, naturalist, activist, educator—and patient. In this ninth “Dispatch from the Desert,” Terry reflects on fear, the pink full moon, the spread of the virus in rural America.

Planetary Health

Terry Tempest Williams is a writer, naturalist, activist, educator—and patient. In this fifth “Dispatch from the Desert,” Terry reflects on the interconnectedness of planetary health, the nature around us, and the disease we’re facing.

Polishing Silver

Terry Tempest Williams is a writer, naturalist, activist, educator—and patient. In this seventh “Dispatch from the Desert,” Terry connects with family tradition.