Whatever you call it, being aware of how you talk to yourself is key to living a healthier, happier life.
Megan Call

Most Recent
How Environmental Services Balances the Scale of Resiliency

Step into the shoes of James Mwizerwa, environmental services supervisor, to learn how he and his team stay resilient and persevere through their demanding work.

How to Practice Three Good Things

Mindfulness educators Trinh Mai, Jean Whitlock, and Rob Davies guide us through a quick and simple exercise for reducing burnout and increasing well-being by remembering positive experiences and reflection.

Assess Your Stress–Where Are You on the Stress Continuum?

There may be light at the end of the pandemic tunnel, but that doesn’t mean the stressful days are behind us. Jean Whitlock, of the Resiliency Center, shares how you and your teams can assess your stress levels and identify ways to manage them.

If COVID-19 is a Marathon, How Do I Get to the Finish Line?

Lifelong runner and psychologist Megan Call shares six practical strategies that work for all of us, non-runners included.

Team Burnout is Real: 3 Questions to Help Course Correct

Family Physician and Chief Wellness Officer Amy Locke outlines three questions to ask to help teams reduce burnout and get back on track.

Scared and Alone, Patients Find Comfort in Their Caregivers

The pandemic has been especially hard on Utah’s Hispanic population. Cornelio Morales, health care assistant in the MICU, shares his experiences caring for patients that are alone and scared as they struggle through a confusing illness. While the work is difficult, Morales finds comfort in his team, knowing they are always giving patients the best care possible.

The Story of Fayna

Trixie Lavender shares her love of writing fantasy fiction with a story about a fairy named Fayna from the planet Onthrani.

Embrace Love of Self

Arlais Rune, contracting officer for the Office of Sponsored Projects, shares a haiku she wrote about her journey of self-acceptance and how listening to and validating others leads to a much more authentic, vibrant community.

Use This Technique to Reduce Stress and React With Compassion

COVID-19 and social unrest have brought about heightened stress and trauma for our health care community. Nurse manager Bernice Tenort provides a simple exercise to help employees and teams pause, think critically, and respond compassionately when stress levels increase.

How Is the Solution

Medical Informatics student Skyler Morrise reflects on the care he received as a patient with a rare birth defect and his transgender journey. He hopes for a future where providers use a more multidisciplinary approach when treating patients with unique needs to create an environment where quality of care is the priority—despite a lack of explanation for the obstacles providers and patients may face together.

Hitting the Wall During COVID-19: New Ways of Discovering our Well-being

What can happen when a pandemic meets medicine’s existing culture of overwork? Burnout. Pediatrician Diane Liu, radiologist Yoshimi Anzai, and family medicine physician Amy Locke provide three ways to re-engineer the workday to address clinician well-being during COVID-19 and beyond.

Missing Sounds of Primary Children’s

Tiffany Glasgow, Division Chief of Inpatient Medicine, offers her perspective for phasing back into the workplace and the differences she notices in the hospital environment.