Adding a little more play to your day not only brings happiness, it relieves stress, improves our ability to learn, and can create stronger connections to others and the world around us.
MaryAnn Young, Holly Badger

Most Recent
Is This Normal? What to Do With the Stress in Your Body

We’re all managing unprecedented stress and fear. What is “normal” right now? How do I cope? Social worker Jean Whitlock describes how our body protects us and offers some strategies to help.

Why is Behavior Change So Hard?

Health care professionals are unique: Not only do we have to work on our own behavior change, we often have to influence the behavior change of others—our patients. Director of U of U Health’s Resiliency Center Megan Call explains why it’s so challenging and provides steps to make it easier.

How to Recover from Adverse Events

Health care workers experience trauma every day in multiple ways, making it difficult to fully recover. Jake Van Epps shares tips for recovering and supporting your colleagues through these adverse events.

Healthcare Stories 2024: Promise

Mark your calendars for February 1, 2024! The Resiliency Center and the Center for Health Ethics, Arts, and Humanities are gearing up for the sixth Healthcare Stories event at Kingsbury Hall. This year's captivating theme, "Promise," invites healthcare professionals, patients, and community members to explore futures imagined, unexpected journeys, and transformative relationships.

Healthcare Stories 2023: Wonder

Portrait of a Caregiver

The majority of long-term care needs are placed upon family members who often receive minimal support. Seeking to reduce the caregiver burden, College of Nursing Assistant Professor Jacqueline Eaton, shares an arts-based approach for engaging caregivers of people living with dementia through her research and ethnodramas.

Instilling Hope and Compassion with Patients

How can we put compassion for ourselves and others at the center of what we do? Second year medical student Tanner Nelson interviews pediatric ophthalmologist Griffin Jardine to share how he helps to install hope and compassion with his patients, and himself.

Prescribing Mindfulness in Clinical Settings

With so much going on around the world and in our daily lives, our brains are constantly in overdrive. Mindfulness educator and social worker Trinh Mai explores what practitioners across U of U Health and the VA are doing to help their patients and teammates take a mental break and respond courageously in these times.

No Really, How Are You?

Emergency Medicine physician Megan Fix shares her personal story of how the simple act of a colleague asking, “No really, how are you?” changed her life.

Setting the Stage for Psychological Safety: 6 Steps for Leaders

Creating psychological safety for your team is a process that takes time, vulnerability from you as a leader, and collaboration from others. Psychiatrists Jen O’Donohoe and Kristi Kleinschmit share 6 practical next steps for when psychological safety might be a little off on your team.

If Covid-19 is a Marathon, How Do I Recover?

As our health care system continues to address pandemic-related employee burnout and fatigue, we can apply simple strategies to enhance our own recovery. Psychologist Megan Call and physical therapist Keith Roper return to a previous marathon analogy to share five recovery strategies for individuals and teams.

Incorporating Wellness and Integrative Health into Your Practice

From the moment a patient steps into a doctor’s office, we’re trained to ask one question: “What is this patient’s primary problem?” Rebecca Wilson Zingg, Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine and Assistant Professor in the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Division, shares how a lens on integrative health and wellness can supplement conventional medical practice and this problem-based approach.