cards for healthcare sanity
Why We Cover Health Care Payment Reform
Why dedicate space to the hot poker that is health law and policy on this website? Context. We are an improvement community. We believe providing context is an act of respect. Talking about "the why" of complex healthcare topics (payment reform included) allows our frontline clinicians and staff to be empowered and informed.

More Context, More Clarity

It’s confusing out there. Every day, there are health policy articles and opinion pieces that will likely render what is written today (January 27, 2017) obsolete tomorrow (January 28). Here is what won’t change by tomorrow, or in the next 6 months.

Total United States health care spending increased 5.8% to $3.2 trillion in 2015, $9,990 per person (Utah numbers are about half: $5,031 – numbers from 2009). This spending has significant impact on the entire US economy, and it needs to decrease. For those of us in health care delivery, our imperative is to increase the value of our care to patients by reducing the cost of the care while improving both quality and service. Regardless of the changes in politics, policy, payment, and insurance reform, reducing health care cost will remain a goal.

But, why, from a larger perspective, would Accelerate dedicate space to such a sensitive issue as health law and policy? Context. Change is disruptive, and the current pace and complexity of health care change feels even more bewildering. It brings to mind “a trendy managerial acronym: VUCA, short for volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity , and a catchall for ‘Hey, it’s crazy out there!’” We have moved from a rapidly changing industry to one that the military describes as VUCA.

One powerful tool to battle VUCA conditions is context - taking complexity and grounding it in local experience and clear terms. We believe that those working in health care need more context. Our commitment is to provide flexible options to learn about what is changing and why.



Accelerate Editorial Team

Health care professionals who lead development and production of this learning community (see About), University of Utah Health

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