It is my hope that my employees see my passion and connection, and they know I want that for them too. Life is too short to miss that connection at work.
Melissa Horn

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Find the Right Words to Communicate Flexibility

Our work lives are changing as some of our homes once again become schools. The Effective Communicator reached out to HR experts Christian Sherwood and Rosemary Norton for advice about how managers can talk with their teams about being flexible with where, how, and when we work.

How To Put WellCheck Feedback to Work (For You and Your Team)

Feedback is a gift—even when it doesn’t feel like it. Senior Director of Care Navigation Stacy Silwany teams up with Organizational Development’s Michael Danielson to share how Care Navigation uses WellCheck survey data to learn from and engage employees in making the workplace better.

Five Ways to Practice Trauma-informed Leadership

We are surrounded by trauma—from patients, to coworkers, to our own experiences. University of Utah Health Madsen family practice leaders share how we recognize and normalize employees’ trauma experiences so they can continue to heal and provide quality care.

A Blueprint to Build a Successful Career in Academic Medicine

We all make lots of mistakes early on in our careers. Hospitalist and mentorship expert Valerie Vaughn sets us up for success by sharing her expertise on how to take control of your long-term career path.

The Power of Listening With Intent

Hearing a patient is one thing—but actively listening to patients with empathy, understanding, and awareness is another. Nurse practitioner and headache specialist Susan Baggaley explores three trust-building techniques she employs to build relationships.

"We Are Surrounded By Genius" Leadership Beliefs from Rob Kistler

Beliefs are the emotional foundation for excellence and can shape organizational realities. Positive beliefs build energy, enthusiasm, caring and creativity and can increase resilience and influence bottom line results.* Rob Kistler leads nearly 1000 people as the senior director of University Hospital’s support services (nutrition care, environmental services, customer service, safety, and emergency management). Here’s what he believes about his team.

Meeting Fatigue? Try These Tips

The Effective Communicator teams up with Joe Allen of the Center for Meeting Effectiveness to share three data-driven recommendations on how to improve your meeting effectiveness and reclaim control of your calendar.

Vulnerability Is Not Weakness—It’s Why Our Patients Trust Us

Dentist Gary Lowder has spent the past 36 years working with patients who suffer from jaw disorders that result in chronic pain. As faculty in the School of Dentistry, he’s passing along the power of vulnerability as a patient trust-building exercise with his trainees.

Four Ways Leaders Can Encourage Teams to Recover

Chief Wellness Officer Amy Locke shares practical strategies for leaders to address the real tension we’re feeling between the desire to take a break and the increasing workload.

Process Problem or Coaching Moment?

As leaders, we want to foster work environments that create safe and reliable care for patients and employees. Sounds easy, but its hard work! Chief Human Resources Officer Sarah Sherer coaches leaders from around the system on thinking through when it’s time to look at a process and when it’s time for coaching an employee.

We’re in This Together: Making Tough Decisions Easier

The realities of COVID-19 have impacted visitor policies, creating challenges for patients and moral distress for staff. Jennifer Jones, nurse manager, has developed several approaches for leaders and staff to work through the tough decisions the updated visitor policy is forcing.

How to Lead Virtual Meetings

The role of the meeting leader takes on new prominence in virtual spaces like Zoom or Microsoft Teams. The Effective Communicator joins Antonius Tsai to discuss how you can make the transition from presenting content to leading and shaping a space that builds connection and purpose.