The Uncomfortable Conversation You Need to Have

Many people, including health care professionals, are turning to alcohol and other substances to help cope with the stresses of Covid-19. Licensed psychologist Kelly Lundberg shares how to talk to colleagues who may be silently suffering.

The University FOR Utah: Uniquely Poised to Shape the Future

We were excited when Dr. Ruth Watkins made time on her first day as the University of Utah’s 16th President to address the leadership team of U of U Health. Her message: your work matters. She answers your questions about community, collaboration, and connection.

The Wisdom of Crowds: Effective Feedback

Want to be part of a thriving culture? Feedback is key. Director of ENT and dental clinics Kirk Hughs asked over 500 University of Utah Health leaders to share what makes feedback effective. Their top two? Timely and sincere feedback.

The Wisdom of Leaders: How to Cultivate Teams

Leaders embody U of U Health’s focus on patient-centered care, respect for people, and continued improvement. Recently, Jessica Rivera, Carissa Christensen, Sue Childress, and Tracy Farley described their efforts to deliver a better health care experience for patients by taking care of their teams. In advance of individual articles from each leader, below are four big takeaways that can be put into action today.

The Yellow Table

Terry Tempest Williams is a Utah native, writer, naturalist, activist, educator—and patient. In this tenth “Dispatch from the Desert,” we meet Terry’s mentor, renowned translator Linda Asher, a lifelong New Yorker.

There’s No Place Like Home After Joint Replacement

The joint replacement team—Drs. Pelt, Gililland, Peters, PA Jill Erickson, and clinic manager Piper Ferrell—explain why going home after a joint replacement is better than going to a post-acute care facility. Their data shows that going home means better value for the patient: a healthier recovery at a lower cost.


Terry Tempest Williams is a Utah native, writer, naturalist, activist, educator—and patient. In this free-flowing piece, Terry wonders what belongs to this moment in all its fullness and sorrow.

This Is What I See, What Do You See?

Continually speaking up is one of the most challenging things an employee does, and making it safe to speak up takes consistent supportive leadership. Members of the patient support services team share how to empower employees to highlight issues and provide solutions.

“This Time Is Different” – A Message of Hope for Meaningful Change

Chief Medical Informatics Officer Maia Hightower reflects on her grandmother’s experience and optimism to share a message of hope for meaningful change as we approach the one-year anniversary of George Floyd’s death.

Three Challenges for the Next Decade of Health Care

Patients will ask three things of us over the next decade of health care improvement: help me live my best life, make being a patient easier, and make care affordable. To meet those needs health care must shift—from organizing around a patient’s biology to understanding the patient’s biography.

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