02 06 how to resolve pins toolkit just do it
Just-Do-It for Simple and Easy to Resolve PINS
While it’s true that large scale changes are required to make a significant difference in how things work, consistent small improvements add up to big impact over time. Magnet program director Gigi Austria and project management experts Kripa Kuncheria and Kim Mahoney explain when and how to Just-Do-It.

hen a given problem, idea, need, or suggestion is straight forward and easy to resolve within a few days to a week—then just do it.

In Shared Governance, we use "Just-Do-It" as a simple method to resolve Level 1: Problems, Ideas, Needs, and Suggestions (PINS).

What do we do? Just-Do-It involves identifying and completing a series of basic tasks until done (e.g., making phone calls, purchases within budget, getting feedback).

How to get started: Download the Just-Do-It Template and follow the step-by-step guide below to track your progress and share updates with the team.

After PINS have been discussed and approved by the team in huddle, work together to identify one or more Task Owners by asking “Who does this PIN impact?” Engage those individuals most impacted to work on the it.

Fill out and update a Just-Do-It Task List for the PINS and post them together on the Team Board.

Identify tasks by clarifying whether you are addressing a Problem, Idea, Need, or Suggestion, and ask, “What are the small steps (tasks) we think we will need to take to address it?” (add/change them along the way). Write each step/task to your Task List.

Work on completing the tasks throughout the week as you can, and mark your progress as you go:

  • Do – When the task is identified but not started
  • Doing – When the team or individual is actively working on it
  • Done – When the task is completed

Give progress updates to the team during Shared Governance huddle until the Task List is complete. If you can't make huddle, tell your Team Chair and they can give the update for you.

Upon completion, review the completed Task List during huddle, discuss what worked and what didn’t, share lessons learned, and remove Task List from the board.

Don't forget to celebrate—every completed PIN is a big team win! 😊

Adapted from: Boi, L., Brayko, C. The "How To" of Problem Solving: Strategies for Facilitating Continuous Improvement. Accelerate Learning Community (2022).


Mary-Jean (Gigi) Austria

Magnet Program Director, Nursing Support Services, University of Utah Health

Kripa Kuncheria

Senior Strategic Projects Manager, Nursing Services Administration, University of Utah Health

Kim Mahoney

Director, Experience Design, Department of Patient Experience and Accelerate Learning Community, University of Utah Health

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