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Marcie Hopkins, U of U Health
Community Standards of Trust

ccelerate builds community through story and connects people and ideas. We aim to engage contributors who are trusted by their community. As a nationally recognized academic medical center, many of our contributors happen to be national thought leaders. As a locally-focused community, we know them as our peers. We commit to make participation in our community an inclusive and positive experience for all involved.

Our contributors engage in positive relationships by:

  • Including and welcoming all.
  • Understanding peoples’ differences.
  • Lifting others up instead of tearing them down.
  • Collaborating before conflict.
  • Empathizing with concerns of others.

Our contributors exhibit good judgement/expertise by:

  • Demonstrating subject matter expertise.
  • Contributing positively to their profession.
  • Expressing authentic opinions and ideas that are sought after by others.
  • Not engaging in conflicts of interest; disclosing any information pertinent to upholding the standards of trust.
  • Not engaging in behavior (publicly or privately) that adversely affects the safety and well-being of others.
  • Gracefully accepting constructive feedback.
  • Ensuring content/ideas aren’t plagiarized; verifying sources/references as accurate.

Our contributors demonstrate consistency by:

  • Walking the talk; doing what they say they are going to do.
  • Exhibiting professionalism.
  • Exercising respect in speech, writing, and actions.
  • Focusing on what is best for the community/organization instead of personal agendas.

Accelerate engages in positive relationships by:

  • Supporting learning as teams by creating a safe and inclusive environment where others thrive through collaboration.
  • Being timely and transparent in our communications.
  • Welcoming and engaging in tough conversations in order to learn from our mistakes, improve our work, and grow together.
  • Reserving the right to remove comments that are harmful to the safety and well-being of others. (See “What we expect from our community” below.)

Accelerate exhibits good judgment/expertise by:

  • Reviewing all article proposals/ideas with our editorial team to ensure relevance to our community’s learning and professional needs; editors review drafts for tone, flow, and subject matter.
  • Making contributors aware of what we value; working through potential conflicts using the console-coach-sanction model.
  • Using quantitative and qualitative data to inform decisions.
  • Ensuring content/ideas aren’t plagiarized; verifying sources/references as accurate.

Accelerate is consistent by:

  • Supporting peer-to-peer learning without hierarchy; treating everyone the same by not including titles. 
  • Following the same editorial process regardless of contributor role or content.
  • Committing to provide a platform for disadvantaged voices and highlighting stories that historically have not been prioritized or told.
  • Acknowledging the teamwork that goes into producing an article by crediting collaborator involvement.

We aim to create a safe and productive space for discussion. We ask our community to engage in the trust-building behavior outlined in the above sections, in addition to:

  • Being supportive of each other.
  • Criticizing ideas, not people.
  • Flagging bad behavior.
  • Following the rules.

Comment Section:

Comments are moderated. Those that are off-topic or deemed inappropriate may be deleted. If you have questions and/or concerns, contact us.

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