Values are one-word descriptors of our deepest desires of what matters most. What we want to stand for, how we want to treat ourselves and others, how we want to engage with the world
Megan Whitlock

Most Recent
Joy in Work Program (formerly Wellness Champions)

An improvement-science framework to foster wellbeing in the workplace.


GME Wellness Director Rob Davies explores the practice of gratitude journaling—writing down “three good things” every day for two weeks. This simple exercise can profoundly impact your overall sense of wellbeing.

Is This Normal? What to Do With the Stress in Your Body

We’re all managing unprecedented stress and fear. What is “normal” right now? How do I cope? Social worker Jean Whitlock describes how our body protects us and offers some strategies to help.

Why is Behavior Change So Hard?

Health care professionals are unique: Not only do we have to work on our own behavior change, we often have to influence the behavior change of others—our patients. Director of U of U Health’s Resiliency Center Megan Call explains why it’s so challenging and provides steps to make it easier.

Managing the Moment: When Anger Takes Over

Caring for our community has been our superpower throughout the pandemic. In this moment, however, our capacity for empathy is being challenged. Chief Wellness Officer Amy Locke shares four strategies to help keep your cool when emotions run high.

Top 10 Tips for Enhancing Your Well-Being

With the change of the season upon us, now is a great time to focus on self-care. Well-being specialist Jamuna Jones shares her top 10 tried-and-true tips aimed at optimizing your health and nurturing your mind, body, and soul during this seasonal shift.

Practice Emotional PPE

We have personal protective equipment (PPE) for our body–but what about our mind? Huntsman Cancer Institute nurse manager Cassidy Kotobalavu has lead training on the concept of emotional contagion–how good (and bad) emotions spread. Here are Cassidy’s expert tips (with slides) on managing emotional contagion in health care.

How to Recover from Adverse Events

Health care workers experience trauma every day in multiple ways, making it difficult to fully recover. Jake Van Epps shares tips for recovering and supporting your colleagues through these adverse events.

Sleep Tips for Night Shift Workers

For medical professionals working night shifts, getting adequate sleep can be a challenge. The Resiliency Center’s Jamuna Jones and Clinical Nurse Coordinator Brooks McAuliffe share an evidence-based “Top 10 Tips” from the CDC's NIOSH training to help night shift workers sleep better.

Mindful Movement: A Path to Holistic Well-Being

Well-being experts Britta Trepp and David Sandweiss prioritize personal well-being through holistic approaches, including mindful movements and connecting with nature. Learn how these practices boost mental, physical, and emotional health, enhancing productivity and reducing stress for a more balanced life.

Healthcare Stories 2024: Promise

Mark your calendars for February 1, 2024! The Resiliency Center and the Center for Health Ethics, Arts, and Humanities are gearing up for the sixth Healthcare Stories event at Kingsbury Hall. This year's captivating theme, "Promise," invites healthcare professionals, patients, and community members to explore futures imagined, unexpected journeys, and transformative relationships.

Probiotics: Happy Gut, Healthy Life

Your gut health can be key to your overall health and well-being. Nutrition & Integrative Physiology graduate teaching assistant, Maria Manuela Herrera, explains the power and benefits of probiotics and shares recipes to incorporate into your next meal plan.