It’s clear that fee-for-service health care isn't working—so what alternative payment model does?
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What the Hard Work of Bundled Care Really Looks Like
Curating Value: Archiving Utah's Exceptional Improvement Work
For years, the Exceptional Value Annual Report documented the performance of the organization on all 45 of the key initiatives identified in the Operational Plan.
Cracking the Code on Better, More Affordable Care
Health care organizations and providers have some understanding what they charge for care. But nationally, providers have a “complete lack of understanding” about the costs of health care, according to Michael Porter, Ph.D., and Robert Kaplan, Ph.D., ("The Big Idea: How to Solve the Cost Crisis in Health Care").
What Can Other States Learn from Utah about Delivering Great Health Care?
Utah “holds a unique distinction” when it comes to health care, according to a special report by the New England Journal of Medicine.