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Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) for Small Tests of a Change

Plan-Do-Study-Act is a simple approach for testing a change that is great for first-time improvers and low-stakes problems. Magnet program director Gigi Austria and project management experts Kripa Kuncheria and Kim Mahoney share a step-by-step guide and helpful templates to get started.

Coping with Trauma in Healthcare: A Guide for Caregivers

Caregivers in healthcare are often exposed to intense injury, horrific or gruesome experiences, or death. These traumatic experiences can leave us with a stress injury. Associate Director of the Resiliency Center Jake Van Epps shares what to expect and strategies for recovery.

Cultural Wealth: From Classroom to Clinic to Community

We often overlook the wealth of diverse cultural experiences and perspectives that profoundly influence the well-being of our students and patients. Educators Kerri Shaffer and Nina Feng leverage community cultural wealth to transform healthcare education for a more inclusive future.

Reflections in Healing: Uniting Healthcare Teams After Loss

Caring for a coworker—or losing a coworker—can be especially hard for healthcare workers. Leaders Kimberly Killam, Jory Killam, Stephanie Edwards and Jamie Troyer share strategies from their own experience with loss to care for yourself and your team when faced with these difficult situations.

How to Set a SMART Goal

SMART Goals are a great starting point for any project. Project management expert Kripa Kuncheria helps us organize our teams’ efforts by outlining this goal setting framework with a simple step-by-step guide to try right now.

Ground Rules for Successfully Managing Conflict

Conflict is not about who is right or wrong—it is about being understood, respected, and finding a shared way forward. Pediatric emergency medicine physician Zak Drapkin introduces three ground rules for managing conflict within care teams.

Addressing Discrimination at the Bedside

When patients or family members use discriminatory language, it can be hard to know the next steps. Nursing Director Gigi Austria and EDI Consultant Sheila Sconiers offer practical steps to address discrimination at the bedside.

Transforming Healthcare for LGBTQIA+ Patients

University of Utah Health Transgender Health Program’s Ariel Malan and family physician Erika Sullivan discuss the Mountain West Transforming Care Conference, an annual conference held to promote LGBTQIA+ health and provider competency of caring for these communities.

Celebrating 40 Years of MLK Week: Where Do We Go From Here?

As we celebrate 40 years of honoring Dr. King’s legacy with MLK Week at the U, the University of Utah is answering the question of "where do we go from here?" with an emphatic turn toward community.

Elevating Employee Support: The Role of Peer Support Training

Jake Van Epps, Associate Director of the Resiliency Center, and Jessica Rivera, Director of Environmental Services, share about the peer support training program and how it has given the Environmental Services team new tools to care for one another.

Managing the Moment: When Anger Takes Over

Caring for our community has been our superpower throughout the pandemic. In this moment, however, our capacity for empathy is being challenged. Chief Wellness Officer Amy Locke shares four strategies to help keep your cool when emotions run high.

Celebrating Impact: 8 Must-Read Articles That Shaped 2023

Accelerate Learning Community has now grown to exceed more than half a million learners from across the world! Each month, we average around 35,000 visitors who learn about health care equity, improvement, leadership and resilience from U of U Health faculty, staff, students, and trainees. Continuing our annual tradition of giving thanks, we’re celebrating the eight most popular national articles and local favorites in 2023.